ISP is the Fire Protection Company that provides Fire Safety Services for all types of new and existing buildings
ISP is a Canadian family-owned and operated company. Our employees have extensive experience in fire protection services, design, and consulting. We believe that our work ethic, professionalism, and experience make us one of the best fire protection companies in Ontario.
Our services include but are not limited to Fire Alarms, Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Safety Plans, Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs, Fire Protection Systems Design as well as Fire and Building Code Consulting.

Fire Alarm System is a vital part of the fire protection and life safety equipment of a building and its occupants. An automatic fire alarm system is valuable safety feature for occupants of the building in notifying of fire conditions so they may evacuate promptly. Fire Alarm Systems come in several variations from simple to complex. In Canada, installation of Fire Alarm Systems should confirm Standard CAN/ULC-S524 “Installation of Fire Alarm Systems”. For the verification requirements, Building Code refers to CAN/ULC-S537 “Verification of Fire Alarm Systems”. Inspections and maintenance procedures described in CAN/ULC-S536 “Standard for Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems” as well as governed by the Ontario Fire Code.
Sprinkler System has been a vital part of the fire protection system for automatic control of fires in buildings since when it was initially invented more than one hundred years ago. The most common sprinkler system is wet, also the wet sprinkler system is the most reliable because of simplicity of the system with operating components such as sprinkler heads and alarm valve. The second most common sprinkler type is dry sprinkler systems. The dry sprinkler systems are utilized where ambient temperature can be cold enough to freeze the water in the wet sprinkler system. Deluge systems are systems where all sprinkler heads are open. Pre-action systems are designed for locations such as museums with rare art works, manuscripts; and data centers.
Kitchen suppression is an automatic wet chemical extinguishing system designed to protect equipment, life and property. NFPA 96 “Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations Suppression” and for the most cases NFPA 17A “Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems” regulates installation requirements kitchenhoods and suppression systems. These standards include the minimum requirements to ensure that pre-engineered wet chemical fire extinguishing systems will function as intended throughout their life to protect life and property from fire. Kitchen suppression systems require inspection and maintenance every six months to ensure proper operation and to satisfy building and fire codes.
Fire extinguisher is a portable equipment used to put out a small fire during early stages by directing onto it a substance that cools the burning material, deprives the flame of oxygen, or interferes with the chemical reactions occurring in the flame. The size of fire extinguisher is important, bigger fire extinguishers contain more extinguishing agent, however, excessively big fire extinguishers will be hard to carry or maneuver. Fire Extinguishers are classified as types A (pressurised water to be used on Class A fire), ABC (dry chemical effective on all classes of fires), BC (carbon dioxide to be used on chemical or electrical fires), and K (applied in kitchen grease fires). It is important to apply correct type of extinguisher on the specific class of fire.
A Fire Safety Plan helps to ensure effective utilization of fire safety systems, equipment, and procedures in a building to protect people from fire. This document is required by Section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code, designed by the building owner or specialist, to identify the actions that should be taken by the occupants and building management in the event of a fire or similar emergency situation. All fire safety plans should be submitted to the Fire Department for approval by the Chief Fire Official. The Fire Safety Plan should be available in a security box on site in the approved location, and accessible for Fire Department crews. FSP is required to be reviewed at least annually to ensure that all information contained within is up to date and applicable.
Emergency Lighting are intended to provide a level of illumination in the egress path that allows the occupants of the building to safely exit in the event of an electrical power failure. The Ontario Fire Code mandates to inspect and check on the regular basis. Emergency lighting unit equipment shall be checked for operation and inspected monthly to ensure that the lighting is functional and in good order. Annual inspections are required to ensure that the unit will provide emergency lighting for a duration equal to the design criteria under simulated power failure conditions. There are many types of emergency lighting. The most common type consists of internal and external bulkhead emergency fittings which are connected to the main electrical wiring.
IntSafePro provides a broad verity of fire protection and life safety services focusing on dedication, quality, and professionalism. Our main specialties are installation and testing of fire protection and life safety equipment, design, and consulting for different occupancy types: residential, educational, government, commercial, and industrial buildings.
We value client’s time and provide all services including quoting and invoicing in cost-effective manner. We strictly abide to all Codes, applicable standards, and by-laws, as well as closely work with the AHJ on every project as necessary. For our services, we utilize only quality parts & materials and give extended warranty on all work we do.
Our on-call personnel whether for emergency situations or during regular work hours are always available 24/7/365.